Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Ash Wednesday

So far so good. Lunch at Harvey Nick's Forth Floor Restaurant has the sort of view that almost requires champagne to celebrate, but a gesture towards the wine list by the host was easily dismissed. Interestingly both my dining companions seemed relieved to opt for a bottle of water. And the announcment of my Lenten fast was recieved with a 'good show' sort of

In this day and age, the decision to have a drink or not at lunch seems to me to be fraught - for some a glass of wine civilises a nice meal but for others it's a sign of frowned upon indulgence (guess which statementI might agree with). But if one has a drink there's a sense that it's politic all should - or if you opt out you make it clear that others are welcome. There's always hesitation. I've seen it happen loads of times.

After lunch a quick tour around the food floor to buy something to go along with pasta for dinner tonight. They have a terrific wine selection there and am caught up short when I look at the price tag for one bottle - £140! Must be amazing for that price. Then catch myself looking at wines - why should I bother! I buy a stupidly expensive quarter loaf of Poilane instead and some Jerusalem artichokes.

It feels a bit strange writing about drink in this manner, making it seem as if drinking occupies my thoughts often. They don't really, it's just what the blog's about. In fact, I would put it out that quite a lot of drinking alcohol is unthinking - automatic rather than an active choice. I suppose this is what makes it somehow ubiquitous in the UK as a past time -

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