Thursday, 8 March 2007

Working for the weekend?

Four weeks to go. Had lunch with a friend, C, who asked how I was getting on as I sniffed her chardonnay. She marvelled at how long Lent is. Me too, sweetie, me too.

The Sunday papers were quite instructive about abstinence and Lent. I only personally know of one person, P in Nottingham, who is doing it too. But Observer writer Alex Clark, who writes a likeable and funny column My So-Called Week, bemoans her abstinent-for-Lent friends who cause mayhem by ordering mad, non-alcoholic concoctions.,,2025883,00.html.
And she also reports that some apparently don't do their fast on Sundays, in some sort of dogmatic get-out-of-jail free card, or something. I'll have to check this out although I disdain it - it's not 'giving up' if it's 'once a week'. Durr. I could do that anytime...

On Saturdays, the Guardian's Dr Tom Smith has been taking a stiff attitude to drinking. I notice he's been getting a few variations on the 'are you serious one large glass of wine is the daily limit?' type of letters. Gladly there's light at the end of the tunnel - Dr Tim reports that the liver has "greaat powers of recovery".,,2024073,00.html
Hurrah for that then!

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